...put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life
and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the
spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the
likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.
– Ephesians 4:22-24
“The kind of burning sensation is what you’d call the worst kind of pain
ever...”6 Tan Hui Linn was badly disfigured when her father who was
unsound mind, splashed acid on her and her mother in 2009. Nine years
on, despite numerous surgeries, Hui Linn is still partially blind, and has
scars covering her face.
Wesley likened the effects of sin to the disfigurement or scarring of the
image of God (imago Dei), which Man was created in. He writes,
...deprived of the favour of God, but also of his image; of all virtue,
righteousness, and true holiness and sunk partly into the image of the devil,
in pride, malice and all other diabolical tempers; partly into the image of
the brute, being fallen under the dominion of brutal passions and groveling
appetites. 7
This loss of the imago Dei meant our wills are governed by our passions,
and our understanding of God darkened. In short, “the life of God was
extinguished in his soul. The glory departed from him.”8
“那种灼烧的感觉就是你所说那种的最糟糕的痛......” 2009
强酸。9 年过去了,尽管动了无数次的手术,慧琳仍然部分失明,
约翰.卫斯理把罪恶的影响比作对上帝形象(Imago Dei)的毁容,
。。上帝的恩宠以及上帝的形象皆被剥夺。 所有的美德,公
恶魔般的脾气中; 部分陷入野蛮的形象,落入残暴的激情和卑
Reflection 反思
How are you controlled by desires? Is it easy to live a Godly life in your
own strength?