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Introduction to 1 Corinthians 哥林多前书 引言

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Updated: Jul 5, 2018

Paul wrote this letter from Ephesus (16:8, 9, 19) during his third missionary journey (Acts 19:1–10) about AD 56 or 57. Corinth was a great Greek city with busy commerce and thronging life. She took pride in wisdom, thriving idolatries and immoralities,. Paul wrote partly to answer questions sent by the Corinthian church (7:1; 8:1; 12:1), and partly to deal with distressing news that had come to him from Corinth about factions and other abuses in the church (1:11; 5:1; 6:1; 11:18, 20). This epistle is largely concerned with questions of practical morality and is useful for Christians of every generation. Paul dealt with these questions on the grounds of man’s relation to God; and not on a basis of psychological analysis. For example, •the factious spirit is wrong because a saving relation with God is not obtained by intellectual brilliance but by humble faith, and because the ministers of God’s gospel are simply his servants, responsible to Him. We are not to follow them arbitrarily. •immorality is a defiling of the temple of the Holy Spirit, an abuse of the body that has been redeemed by His blood. •Paul’s main principles for the problem of eating food offered to idols are: (1) that our liberty must not hurt the brother for whom Christ died and, (2) that we cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons. For Paul, Christian ethics shows that Christianity is centred on Christ. These principles inspire and guide Paul’s attitude towards Christian living and are of abiding value. They can inform and guide our action today, when we are confronted by problems, which, although different in outward form, are the same in the fundamental spiritual issues.

这卷书信是保罗在第三次布道旅行期间(徒 19:1–10),在以弗所城所写的(16:8, 9, 19), 期间大约是主后56或57年。哥林多是一座希腊 大城,商业繁盛、生活繁忙。她以智慧而自夸、 偶像崇拜盛行、道德生活腐败。 保罗写这封信的目的,部分是为了答覆哥林多 人向保罗所提出的询问(7:1; 8:1; 12:1),部分 是为了处理他所听到的关于哥林多教会中分门 结党及其他令人丧气的消息(1:11; 5:1; 6:1; 11:18, 20)。 这卷书信对实际道德的问题寄予极大的关切, 实用于每个世代的基督徒。保罗以神人关系的 基础,并非心理学的分析来处理各项问题。

例如: •分门结党的心意是不对的,因为人与神发 生救赎的关系,并非由智慧聪明而得,乃是 藉著谦卑的信服而得。而传讲福音的使者, 只是上帝的仆人,我们不可任意跟随他们。 •淫行是有损圣灵的殿,因我们滥用救赎主 用血买赎回来的身体。 •保罗对于吃祭拜过偶像的食物问题所定下 的主要原则。第一,我们不可因自由而让那 些也是靠基督为他而死的弟兄受到伤害。第 二,我们不能吃主的筵席,又吃鬼的筵席。 对保罗来说,基督教道德乃是显示基督教就 是以基督为中心。这原则启发并指导保罗对 基督徒生活的态度,是具有恒久价值的。 如今,当我们遭遇同样问题时,无论其外在 的形式有所不同,其基本的属灵问题是相同 的,而书信里的原则就能同样启发并指导我 们生活的准则。


1:1–9 Introduction.

1:10 – 4:21 Factions in the church.

1:10 – 2:16. The spirit of factions rests on intellectual pride, which is contrary to the essence of the gospel.

3:1 – 4:8. Ministers of the gospel are not leaders of parties, but servants of God. They are responsible to Him.

4:9–21. The apostolic example of humility and patience, but there is also apostolic authority.

5. A great offender judged, and disciplinary rules laid down.

6. Litigation between Christians in heathen courts forbidden; the spiritual basis of purity of life.

7 Marriage and celibacy; answers to questions asked.

8:1 – 11:1 Meat offered to idols; principles and considerations that should determine the Christian’s attitude.

8. Liberty must be restrained by love.

9. Paul’s example. Application in his life of the same governing principles. 10:1 – 11:1 Above all, no compromise with idolatry.

Reflections and Prayer 反思祷告


11:2–34 Abuses in the church assemblies.

11:2–16. Rules for the conduct of women in the church.

11:17–34. The profanation of the Lord’s Supper rebuked.

12 – 14 Spiritual gifts.

12. No gift ought to be magnified above another, though there is a sense in which there are greater and lesser gifts.

13. Love is greater than all spiritual gifts.

14. Prophecy is more to be desired than speaking with tongues; the first consideration must be the edification of Christ’s church.

15 The resurrection; both of Christ himself and of all his people.

16 The collection for the saints.



1:1-9 前言

1:10 ~ 4:21 教会中的纷争。

1:10- 2:16 分门结党的症结是基于知识 上的骄傲。它是与福音的本质对立的。

3:1- 4:8 福音的执事是神的仆人,不是 党派领袖。他们要向神负责。

4:9-21 使徒以谦卑和忍耐为榜样, 但是使徒也具有权柄。

5章 一个犯了乱伦大罪的人受了谴责,并制定了 惩戒的规条。

6章 禁止基督徒彼此之间在教外的法庭中争讼; 生活纯洁的属灵基础。

7章 婚姻与独身;答覆对所提出的问题予以答覆。

8:1 ~ 11:1 吃祭过偶像之食物:基本原则和基 督徒当有之态度的考量。

8章 自由必须由爱心来节制。

9章 保罗的榜样,将同样的管理原则应用 在他的生活上。

10:1-11:1 最重要的,是绝不与拜偶 像 的事妥协。

Reflections and Prayer



11:2-34 教会聚会中的弊端。

11:2-16 女人在教会中行为的准则。

11:17-34 谴责对主晚餐的滥用。

12~14 属灵的恩赐。

12章 虽然按某种意义而言,恩赐有大小 之分,但没有一种恩赐可以向另一种夸耀。

13章 爱是比一切属灵的恩赐都大的。

14章 要切慕先知讲道胜于说方言;首先 要考虑的必须是对基督教会有所造就。

15 论复活:基督自己的复活以及一切属主之人 的复活。

16 论为圣徒捐钱,


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