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6 June 六月| 1 Corinthians 林前 3:10-23

The different materials mentioned in (3:12, 13) can be taken to represent the ministries in the church; the “gold, silver and precious stones” being the worthy and enduring works that can pass God’s judgment and test – symbolizing a Christian’s pure faith and conduct; and the “wood, hay and stubble” as works that cannot stand up to the test and has no value – symbolizing those whose teaching and conduct serves only to confuse or even mislead believers. How will you participate in the works of God?

3:12,13所提到不同的物质,可以用来代表教会中 的工作。“金银宝石”:可贵耐久的工作,经得起 神的审判与试验;象征基督徒纯正的信仰与行为。 “草木、禾秸”:经不起考验,没有价值的工作, 象征某些人的教导与生命只会扰乱或甚至误导信徒。 你要如何参与神的工作?

Reflections and Prayer 反思祷告

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