Pastors & Staff

Rev Bernard Chng was born into a Christian home & worshipped at Telok Ayer CMC, spending many of his growing years in Yishun.
Trained as an engineer and blessed with Lorraine, his wife, he responded to God’s call to full-time ministry in 2009.
Since then, it has been a memorable discipleship journey with his beloved children: Caitlin, Andrew and Karina.
Rev Bernard Chng
Pastor In-Charge

Pastor Esther Yek graduated from Trinity Theological College in May 2024. She is now MOT of CAC.
She was born in a Christian home and worshiped at Ang Mo Kio Chinese Methodist Church before she studied in Trinity Theological College.
God embarked her learning journey in serving people when she worked in the Senior Activity Centre for 14 years. Now, she is embarking on her discipleship journey by ministering in church.
Ps. Esther Yek
Conference Preacher
Ps. Timothy Lee
Pastor Timothy joined YMM in 2000 after serving as a youth pastor in Faith Community Baptist Church and Bethel Presbyterian church. He holds a degree in theology from the Singapore Bible College.
Timothy is currently serving as a part-time pastor (w.e.f. March 2022) in the English Service of YMM. He is presently overseeing the ministry to seniors and helping with the pastoral work.
He is happily married to Phemie Ng, and has two adult children, Zuriel (married to Rachel) and Faith. Residing in Yishun, they are seeking to be faithful to the call of God to minister in the land.

Dr. Yeo Teck Beng worships at Telok Ayer Methodist Church from young. He is engaged to Yishun Methodist Mission to serve as a pastor in the Mandarin Service. Dr Yeo received a master's degree in Theological Studies (Worship and Liturgy) from Trinity Theological College/Methodist School of Music and a doctorate degree in Worship Studies from the Robert Weber Worship Institute in Florida, USA.
Dr. Yeo is currently engaged as an adjunct lecturer at Trinity Theological College, teaching ‘Worship and Liturgy’ course. He is blissfully married to sister Tan Hua Chiok and they have two adult daughters who are married and one son still studying at NUS. They have three granddaughters and one grandson.
Ps. (Dr) Yeo Teck Beng

Pastor Lyu Yang began full-time ministry in 2006 and served in a local Anglican church for 12 years. She graduated from Trinity Theological College in 2018.
She is married to He Yujie, and they have a son, Jireh He Enyan.
Pastor Lyu Yang was involved in intercession, teaching, worship, and other ministries during her missionary work in Beijing. In the Anglican church, she was responsible for preaching, pastoral care and Christian education.
In the loving family of YMM, she learns to pursue perfection in the love of the Lord. On this journey of love, love is both the starting point and the destination.
Ps. Lyu Yang
Ps Cheng Suan was among the first to join YMM in her pioneering year. A graduate with Business Administration from the National University of Singapore, she accumulates over 10 years in marketing and management field, before coming on board full time as the Children Pastor of YMM in September 1997.
Cheng Suan's ministry to the children has been greatly influenced by her training at the Alor Star Superkids church and the Children Bible Ministry in New Zealand. She has completed her Master of Arts in Ministry with the Theological Centre of Asia.
Currently, besides leading the children ministry team, Cheng Suan uses her organizational skills to support the church administration.
Ps. Yeo Cheng Suan

Mr. James Wee
James joined the church pastoral team in March 2003. He gathered a team of youth leaders and Boys Brigade officers to begin reaching out to boys in the community. He is the captain of the BB 88J company in Naval Base primary school in Yishun.
James is also the coordinator for the worship and music ministry and schedule the team’s weekly roster for both the musicians as well as the AV team. He uses his gifts well as he serves in the worship and music ministry of the church both as a musician and a singer.
He is also part of the property management committee to look into the upkeep and maintenance of church facilities.

Alice is a joyful, committed, and loyal member of the YMM staff team. She joined YMM in 2000 and was appointed the Administrator in the church office in December 2001.
Alice was engaged as a Part-Time Financial Officer from 1st September 2021. She continues to work with the staff team in accounting and financial matters.
Alice is a patient and faith-filled woman who gives concrete help unreservedly to other ladies in the community of Yishun.

Alice Moh
Han Shiqiong
Shiqiong is a mother of two sons. She has worked as a nurse in government hospitals in Sichuan, China and in Singapore for more than 20 years. Since her family immigrated to Singapore in 2003, she completed four courses of DISCIPLE and also COMPANION IN CHRIST in her spare time. In order to practice what she has learned, she changed her job to a part-time administrative assistant in YMM since 2013.
She loves reading, indoor aerobics and outdoor jogging to enjoy the nature.