Our Values & Vision
We believe that God has called us to be wise, to build a strong church community that lasts and one that is able to weather the rough storms of life (Matt 7: 24-27)
In order to last, YMM aims for every YMMer to have a strong foundation that is rooted in Christ. With each one of us living out his/her faith by serving the body of Christ in YMM, the surrounding community of YMM and beyond with long-lasting effect.

Servanthood is a mark of a disciple of Christ. Like Jesus, we seek to serve than to be served. (Mark 10: 45)
We are real to God, self and each other.
(Eph 4:25 - each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body)

Excellence honours God and inspires men. We seek excellence in our Christian character (being) and in our deeds (doing)
(Prov 27:17 -as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another)
Mission Statement
To be a people full of Christ,
Building a strong cell church,
Making disciples in Yishun,
And helping evangelize Singapore and Asia.